Consumer Law

There are many areas of regulations and statutes that the consumer is required to be protected by those whose provide goods and services in the marketplace.  If you have been:

then contact me to see if there is legal recourse.  Many matters can be settled quickly to the betterment of both parties.  In some cases there may be criminal aspects associated with business practices, and it is important to know when to file a report.

This is a list of terms that apply to Consumer Law that can be helpful:

Consumer Goods Products and Services purchased for individual use by a person, family or household.
Consumer Product Safety Commission A Federal Agency that establishes mandatory product safety standards for reducing he risk of injury by a consumer.
Equal Credit Opportunity Act A Federal Law that prohibits any type of discrimination against individuals on the basis of ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, gender, marital status and sexual orientation.
Lemon Law Requires a consumer to get a replacement or a refund for a product that requires continuous mechanical service in order for the product to be usable or if the product has a major mechanical defect.